Home Jobs All the recent job vacancies as advertised on LaoisToday

All the recent job vacancies as advertised on LaoisToday

Jobs in Laois

There are a number of jobs in Laois being advertised on LaoisToday at the moment.

Below we have listed all of the roles advertised on LaoisToday in the recent weeks. In each instance you can click through to the full job description to read more.

Barry Fitzgerald Solicitors – Legal Secretary

Barry Fitzgerald Solicitors, an ambitious and progressive legal firm based in Portlaoise, are seeking a Legal Secretary.

The role will be on a 5-day per week basis.

See full details here. 


CJ Sheeran Ltd – Sales Apprentice

We are now looking for a Sales Apprentice to join our expanding sales team. You must have a strong work ethic and drive to succeed in a selling environment.  

You will undertake the Sales Apprenticeship over 2 years, covering all aspects of selling and sales.

Check out full details here. 

Laois Chamber Alliance – Tourism Development Executive

Laois Chamber Alliance are recruiting for a Tourism Development Executive!

This is an exciting opportunity to work with Laois Chamber Alliance, developing and promoting tourism for Laois.

See full details here.


Backup Power Solutions – Field Service Engineers

Backup Power Solutions are Hiring Field Service Engineers.

Established in 2007, we have offices in both Portarlington and Newtownards.

Our engineers look after our large client base which is dispersed across all 32 counties.

See full details here. 

If you would like to advertise a job vacancy, get in touch with LaoisToday by calling 057 8670722, 085 7180700 or emailing info@laoistoday.ie

SEE ALSO – Check out the dedicated jobs section on LaoisToday