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Tag: Fr Paddy

Fr Paddy: A different kind of love on St Valentine’s Day

This week we celebrate St Valentine’s Day. Traditionally this day is associated with romance and love. Historically it is interesting to trace its evolvement. There were...

Fr Paddy: Tales of wisdom after the storm

Weather wise January 2025 has been dreadful. Because of heavy snow and dangerous pathways, it was reminiscent of lockdown. The recent storm Eowyn caused devastating...

Fr Paddy: St Brigid – A woman of great hope

February is it time of growth and invitation for us all. The light of spring slowly triumphs over winter darkness. The story and celebration of...

Fr Paddy: The inspirational life of Sister Clare Crockett

The beatification cause of Sister Clare Crockett, an inspirational young Irish religious sister who died in 2016, formally opened Sunday, January 12, with a...

Fr Paddy: First 25 years of new Millennium prove to be...

Where does time go by? It's hard to believe that it is now 25 years since the world anxiously embraced the new Millennium. Now, we...

Fr Paddy: May the Lord fill us with health of body...

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ this year, I’m conscious of all what we have to be grateful for. Many long for...

Fr Paddy: May Christmas 2024 be a time of great blessing

A woman was Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of walking down row after row of toys and after hours of hearing...

Fr Paddy: ‘There is something inherently decent and kind in all...

More than 300 people recently attended the funeral of a woman in Carlow, after an appeal on social media by a funeral director who...

Fr Paddy: The more I care for myself the greater I...

It's wonderful these days to see the brightness of Christmas lights decorating our streets, shops and homes. In the darkest days of the year, we...

Fr Paddy: The Advent season – a time to get ready...

There is a story of six people who froze to death around a campfire on a bitterly cold night. Each had a log of wood...

Fr Paddy: ‘When we’re refreshed, we can carry on with the...

A motivational speaker walked confidently around the room holding a glass of water while leading a seminar on stress management. Everyone guessed she was going...

Fr Paddy: Alzheimer’s Disease – Who cares for the Carer?

In every community, often silently and heroically, are people who voluntarily care for a vulnerable loved one. For me personally, those who care for a...

Fr Paddy: Samhain – the Celtic festival that became Halloween

Time continues to move as we now have entered winter time. We begin this Season with Halloween. It’s origins are strongly connected to ancient Celtic...

Fr Paddy: The story of Medjugorje, a major pilgrimage destination

Medjugorje, located in present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina, is where the Virgin Mary has allegedly revealed herself on a regular basis to six local children...

Fr Paddy: Huge numbers expected as relics of St Bernadette to...

Currently the relics of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, are visiting many churches across the Country. Saint Bernadette’s relics will be present in the Carlow Cathedral...

Fr Paddy: Scoping Inquiry details dark chapter of abuse

The recent publication of the Scoping Inquiry into historical sexual abuse in schools, details the horrific trauma inflicted by the abuse of young students. This...

Fr Paddy: Ignore the pessimism of others – stay positive!

There was once a bunch of tiny frogs, who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A...

Fr Paddy: Where is God in the midst of war, violence...

It is not God, but our false images of God we need to challenge ourselves about. God is not a puppeteer who is pulling the...

Fr Paddy: ‘Faith is the end result of a long journey,...

You don’t just wake up one morning, light streaming in from the window, birds fluttering about, and jump from your bed with exuberance declaring...

Fr Paddy: Where are all the Good Samaritans Jesus once spoke...

The Good Samaritan It was a lawyer who asked Jesus in the Gospel, "Who is my neighbour?" He was probably expecting a definition that would...

Fr Paddy: July – a month where many take the opportunity...

As we begin the month of July, I pray in the brightness of summer all our families will be blessed with health of body...

Fr Paddy: We have much to learn from our history, and...

In many ways we have become desensitised to the horrors of violence, inequality and human suffering displayed on our screens every day. Politics has become...

Fr Paddy: Behind every challenge, no matter how overwhelming it may...

I love the following humorous story… “A wealthy man decided to go on a safari in Africa. He took his faithful pet dog along for...

Fr Paddy: God embraces vulnerability

Thoughts and continued prayers for all students currently sitting state exams. I find it interesting, regarding people's recurrent dreams, top of the list are exams....

Fr Paddy: Summer – a time to enjoy

Time seems to be flying by. The academic year has almost come to conclusion in secondary schools and for third level students, a long...

Fr Paddy: 2024 Exam Time

In the last years of his life, the great cellist and conductor Pablo Casals suffered greatly from rheumatoid arthritis and emphysema. At 90, he was...

Fr Paddy – Darkness into Light

The recent walk celebrating 'Darkness into light' has an important message in all our lives. Whilst Darkness into Light raises significant funding towards those seeking...

Fr Paddy: Mary – Queen of May

The month of May, traditionally is associated with devotion to Mary mother of Jesus. Mary holds such an important role, not just in the life...

Fr Paddy – Amazing Grace and a new prayer

After a long period of grey clouds and heavy rainfall, it was such a joy to welcome blue sky and sunshine. I hope that farmers...

Fr Paddy – Finding God

We have become accustomed to bad news. Images on our screens of immense burden placed on vulnerable people. The horrendous conflict in the middle-East. Recent flooding in...