Home News Community €114,500 funding for Laois to boost sport and physical activity measures

€114,500 funding for Laois to boost sport and physical activity measures

SVT Community Sports Hub

Sport Ireland has announced €114,500 funding for Laois to boost sport and physical activity measures through the Local Sports Partnership Network.

Inclusivity is core within sport and this funding will help engage people with a disability, women and girls and those who are educationally disadvantaged.

The funding has been split into four different strands with €60,000 going to Community Sports and Physical Activity Hubs.

The objective of these hubs is to bring local people together and provide a home for local clubs and sports organisations and will focus on Community sports, School Community Sports and Outdoor Community Sports. These hubs will operate within Laois Sports Partnership.

€15,000 is to go to Youth Leadership for the development and delivery of youth leadership training for young people providing a stepping stone into employment, education or training.

Also, this will help develop trained volunteers with the delivery sport and recreational initiatives in their communities.

Volunteer Supports will receive €13,000 to assist individuals volunteering in disadvantaged communities or with people with disabilities to gain physical activity skills for example coaches, leaders, referees.

€26,000 is going to Sports Inclusion Disability Projects. This funding is help reduce barriers for people with a disability with the provision of sports equipment, and minor infrastructure works to increase participation.

Laois TD Sean Fleming welcomed the announcement.

He said: “This funding will further promote and develop sport amongst those experiencing disadvantage and allow them enjoy the benefits of sport and physical activity which will improve their personal health and wellbeing.

“I look forward to Laois Sports Partnership putting this funding to great use in our communities and I would like to acknowledge the excellent work by Laois Sports Partnership as they continue to provide these projects and supports in our communities.”

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