Home Jobs All the recent job vacancies as advertised on LaoisToday

All the recent job vacancies as advertised on LaoisToday

Jobs in Laois

There are a number of job vacancies in Laois being advertised on LaoisToday at the moment.

Below we have listed all of the roles advertised on LaoisToday in the recent weeks. In each instance you can click through to the full job description to read more.

Laois Jetwash Services job ad on LaoisToday

Laois JetWash Services Ltd. – Jet Vac Operator/Truck Driver

Laois Jetwash Services Ltd. in Portlaoise are seeking to hire a Jet Vac Operator/Truck Driver.

See full details here.

Laois Sawmills job ad for a maintenance fitter on LaoisToday

Laois Sawmills – Maintenance Fitter

Laois Sawmills are currently seeking to employ a Maintenance Fitter to join their team.

See full details here

Simpsons Gala Stradbally

Simpson’s Gala, Stradbally – Numerous Part-time Positions

Simpson’s Gala Stradbally are currently seeking to hire two part-time sales assistants to join our Simpsons Gala team.
Breslin's SuperValu Job Ad

Breslin’s SuperValu Abbeyleix now hiring to fill multiple roles

Breslin’s SuperValu, Abbeyleix are now hiring Deli and Bakery Assistants for a very busy, fast paced deli and bakery counter.

See full details here. 

Laois Partnership CEO

Laois Partnership seeking to appoint new CEO for role based in Portlaoise

Laois Partnership are currently seeking to appoint a Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

See full details here.

If you would like to advertise a job vacancy, get in touch with LaoisToday by calling 057 8670722, 085 7180700 or emailing info@laoistoday.ie

SEE ALSO – Check out the dedicated jobs section on LaoisToday