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Tag: Renua Ireland

Time for Fine Gael TDs to stand up for rural Ireland,...

Renua Ireland has warned Fine Gael TDs that it is time for them to stand up for rural Ireland and ensure the current National...

Renua outlines concerns over farm repossessions

Renua Ireland has warned there will be a rural revolt if vulture funds attempt to profiteer from the misfortunes of farmers. “Claims that Vulture Funds...

Time for Fianna Fáil to get off the fence on the...

Renua Ireland has warned Fianna Fail that it is time to get off the fence when it comes to the 8th Amendment. “The Party cannot...

Renua leader slams wind energy double standards for Laois

Renua Ireland leader John Leahy has expressed serious concerns about "apparent double standards" being applied to Laois people over the issue of wind energy. Cllr...