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Tag: Fr Paddy Byrne

Fr Paddy: The value of doing the little things well

We live in extraordinary times; our world seems to be coming increasingly polemical. Looking at live news commentary of Donald trump's attempted assassination seemed almost...

Fr Paddy: Church’s first Millennium Saint

Carlo Acutis was born May 3, 1991, in London, where his father was working. Just a few months later, he moved with his parents, Andrea...

Fr Paddy – Amazing Grace and a new prayer

After a long period of grey clouds and heavy rainfall, it was such a joy to welcome blue sky and sunshine. I hope that farmers...

Fr Paddy: Easter – A time to celebrate

“’Did you not know what the Holy one can do with dust?’ It’s a line from a poem for Ash Wednesday by Jan Richardson. In...

Fr Paddy: Martin Luther King’s letter to white Church leaders

In 1960, Martin Luther King was imprisoned after leading a civil rights march. His dream seemed a long way off. Criticised by white church leaders,...

Fr Paddy: Summer tales of wisdom

How do you handle adversity? What are you thinking when the sun goes down on those cold, windy nights, when you're trying to get...

Fr Paddy: All God’s creatures have a place in the choir

I recently came across this inspirational story... A shop owner placed a sign above his door that said: “Puppies for Sale.” Signs like this always have...

Fr Paddy – The Strangest Dream …

People meeting with people, discussions held round tables decorated with flowers, microphones adjusted for clarity of sound and a fine meal together in the...

Fr Paddy: One step at a time

Summer, is a wonderful time of year, long bright days that awaken within us all, a sense of peace and calm. Traditionally during summer time...

Fr Paddy: A prayer for students

In the last years of his life, the great cellist and conductor Pablo Casals suffered greatly from rheumatoid arthritis and emphysema. At 90, he was...

Fr Paddy: Easter – All is new

Easter is a wonderful time of year. Nature, reflects the transformation, from darkness into light. New green leaves, spring blossoms and brighter days lift our...

Fr Paddy: Celebrating Pope Francis on his tenth anniversary

Pope Francis recently celebrated his 10th anniversary since becoming leader of the Catholic Church. His leadership is a remarkable one. Actions always speak louder than...

Fr Paddy: Time to think again

Jesus wasn’t “laid back”. He had a sense of urgency about him, and he communicated that to others, especially his immediate followers. Why? Because...

Fr Paddy: Deep breath of peace

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, an elderly man was taking a walk along the beach. He was relaxed and content. The...

Fr Paddy: Reflection enriches life

St. Ignatius of Loyola’s (1491-1556) great insight came while he was convalescing after a serious injury. God was communicating within him through his daydreams initially,...

Fr Paddy: Céad míle fáilte

We are about to celebrate Christmas once again. I'm sure for the vast majority, this Christmas, will be greatly enhanced as we live in...

Fr Paddy: Advent … A time to be patient

It should be no secret to anyone that we do not know the date of Christ’s birth, and so the Church baptised a Pagan...

Fr Paddy Byrne: The weight of the glass

The Art of 'Letting Go' is about deciding to stop making the same mistakes and choosing to take a different path. It has been said...

Fr Paddy: Discern and change we must ….

Recently, Cardinal Mario Grech, speaking in relation to the universal Synod warned against “The Danger of Keeping Silent”. The Synodal process is a time for...

Fr Paddy: Eternal Rest Grant To Them Lord …

Halloween did not come from Hollywood but rather its origins are strongly connected to ancient Celtic roots. In Celtic Ireland, about two millennia ago, Samhain...

Fr Paddy: What is peace of mind? Seven tips to help...

Peace of mind, is a feeling of being safe or protected, it is the absence of worry. It’s achieving a calm state of mind...

Fr Paddy: Living in the present moment

One day a man walked past a camp of elephants. Looking closer, he was surprised to see that these mighty animals weren’t held in...

Fr Paddy: Brother Kevin … A living Saint

A small number of public figures are instantly recognisable by their first name. One of them is Brother Kevin, the founder of the Capuchin...

Fr Paddy: Harvest Thanksgiving

Time seems to be moving extremely quickly. It's hard to believe that August has arrived. This is a wonderful time of year when harvest begins...

Fr Paddy: God’s Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in...

Fr Paddy: Without counting the cost …

There is story in the Gospel about a leper coming to Jesus on his knees and pleading with him, saying, ‘If you want to,...

Fr Paddy: Let go … Let God

It’s good to think of prayer, not just as saying prayers, or speaking to God, but as listening to God. Not just as words but...

Fr Paddy: A message of Hope following a walk in Emo...

As we move closer to the Month of May, it brings a sense of hope and fresh opportunity. A recent walk in Emo Court, reminded...

Fr Paddy: Make time to share a meal this Easter

This is Holy Week, a sacred time when through ritual and symbolism we remember and give thanks for the great sacrifice Jesus made for...

Fr Paddy: The Strangest Dream

Tanks in the city streets of Ukraine. Blocks of flats on fire. Wrecked and burnt-out trucks, twisted metal and shattered windows. Small groups of cold...