Home We Are Laois A Bit of Fun Nominations are now open for Laois’s hottest redheads and Golden Oldies

Nominations are now open for Laois’s hottest redheads and Golden Oldies

Brought to you in association with The Laser Suite, Portarlington

The most esteemed list of all is back – with a difference.

On Sunday we announced the return of LaoisToday’s Hottest Men’s list.

Given the now nationwide status of the list, we have decided to ramp things up a notch.

We will now be doing different categories for the best looking men from the O’Moore county to fall under.

These categories are;

  • Best looking redheads
  • Golden Oldies
  • Finest blow-ins (anyone not born in Laois but with strong Laois connections)
  • Hottest Farmers
  • Sports stars

Nominations are now open for the hottest ‘Redheads’ and ‘Golden Oldies’.

You can now nominate who you think should be in with a shout of making the list by commenting under this article on Facebook or by sending us a private message on the social media page.

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