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Home Tags Deputy Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy

Tag: Deputy Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy

Fine Gael select their team for Europe as Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy missses...

Over 1,000 Fine Gael members gathered in the Minella Hotel in Clonmel on Sunday afternoon for the party's European Election convention for Ireland South...

Four candidates for three positions as Fine Gael to select team...

Fine Gael members from vast swathes of the southern half of the country will gather in the Minella Hotel in Clonmel on Sunday evening...

Laois-Offaly Fine Gael TD to seek nomination for European Elections

Laois-Offaly Fine Gael TD Marcella Corcoran Kennedy is seeking the party’s nomination to become an MEP in the Ireland South constituency. The European Elections take...

Fine Gael shape up to win back seats in Borris-Mountmellick Area

It may have been freezing cold and snowing outside but there was a clear spring in the step of the Fine Gael members who...