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Tag: Caroline Dwane-Stanley

Need for broadband in rural Laois ‘greater than ever’ as Covid...

"People that have contacted me are depressed. Some say they have never been as lonely as they are now - never felt as isolated. "Some...

Laois village to get new playground as Laois County Council gives...

A brand new playground is on its way to a Laois village - after a plan to construct it was given the green light...

Issue of vacant site dragging on and falling trees causing problems...

Laois County Council should put in a compulsory purchase order on a vacant site at the front of the Maryborough Estate on the Mountrath...

Frustration over slow progress on new Portlaoise courthouse

The ongoing issue of the courthouse raised its head at the recent Portlaoise Municipal District meeting in Laois County Council as the elected representatives...

‘Park and Stride’ encouraged to tackle Portlaoise school traffic

Laois County Council should "establish a method to combat the current traffic problems each morning in Portlaoise" and "consider the 'Park and Stride' initiative...

Portlaoise Leisure Centre ‘has to be kept on the agenda’

The issue of Portlaoise Leisure Centre "has to be kept on the agenda or it will be forgotten about" said Cllr Noel Tuohy at...

Safety measures needed as new Laois secondary school continues to grow

A pedestrian crossing is badly needed at Towerhill in Portlaoise for Dunamase College where there are now over 300 students and over 30 staff...

Proposals in place for a Portlaoise town bus service – with...

Preliminary designs are in place for a Portlaoise Town Bus Service for two bus routes which would run on a half-hourly basis. A recent meeting...

Calls for lorries to be banned from using Mountmellick Road in...

Large articulated lorries should not be allowed to use the Mountmellick Road and come through Portlaoise town centre - and instead should be forced...

My Life in Politics: Caroline Dwane-Stanley on visiting Long Kesh, local...

Sinn Féin's rise at a national level has been mirrored somewhat in Laois. The party won their first Dáil seat in the 1997 General Election...

‘I would love to see Sinn Féin leading an alternative left...

Portlaoise-based Sinn Féin county councillor Caroline Dwane-Stanley says she would love to see her party leading an "alternative left Government" in the future. And she...

Sinn Féin scrap over make-up of Council committees

There was a right good verbal spat at the Council over the make-up of the local authority Special Policy Committees (SPCs) for the next...

Box by box – how your area voted in the 2019...

There were 31 boxes in the Portlaoise Municipal District - with 22 of them in Portlaoise and the remaining nine spread across a wide...

ELECTED: Caroline Dwane Stanley takes the third Portlaoise seat

Brought to you in association with People First Credit Union Sinn Fein's Caroline Dwane-Stanley has retained her seat in the Portlaoise Municipal District. She polled 1,210...

Battle for the last seat in Portlaoise set to go right...

Brought to you in association with People First Credit Union Six of the seven seats in the Portlaoise Municipal District are set to be won...